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Last night was the best sleep I've had in months. Today I actually woke up and felt more normal than I've felt in the last 18 years. More together. More ready to face the day than I have in the last 13 years.

I'm still grieving over some things, but it's not as bad. I'm healing. I'm happier. The changes are subtle, but they're amazing, and they're growing.

I'm also getting access to things that I thought I'd thrown away and would never have again... along with things I thought were probably impossible for a human to have... at least most humans, and probably for a few evolutionary cycles... but that's because I and my sneaky subconscious snuck one in over on him.

I'm more unified than ever... and I cannot even begin to tell you how great it feels.

I also cannot express how awesome it is to say that for the first time ever, I took my medication for sleep and instead of waiting for four hours for them to kick in while my body fought tooth and nail, I simply laid down, took a deep breath, and was gone.

I woke up early, and still felt perfectly whole and rested... probably because I didn't spend the whole night fighting the Noise. That shield he offers... get one. Seriously.

The man is a genius... and probably the most empathetic and kind, open-hearted softie I've met in a long time.

I don't say this often, but.... even when I no longer need anything from him, this man has trusted me with his name, and he can come to me for anything I offer, and I will give it to him without charge, and without strings, because he's given me back myself.

There are people who are clients.... and then there are people who are friends and clients.... and then there are just people you know will be family who you don't owe, and don't owe you. You don't keep tabs, you just give.

Blaze has given me enough, and he's got the heart of someone who would give till he fell.

I'm thinking that eventually.... he's going to be family.


Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:49 am


For what he has done for me I can offer tattoos in return I'm pretty good with my art and skill For some reason I don't think Blaze has any tattoos so maybe I get to do first one
I say tattoos since I don't have any other gifts at least not the ones I want or I'm aware of
He is always welcome to my shop and do his experiment on people This would be the first tattoo shop having hypnosis event

Complete gentleman and a sweetheart he is.


Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:01 pm


Blaze taught me a process on how to turn up and turn down my 3rd eye, which helps block out things around me, and a great relief with the migraines i have recently been suffering.


Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:06 am



Two things - I've had my second service, and those gem thingies are AWESOME... they're helping me clean out some of the crap I've been carrying around that doesn't belong to me, and helping me in other interesting ways as well... seriously try those out.

Secondly... last weekend I went to a shamanic retreat, and that's when what Blaze did REALLY shone.

I've had a lot of my shamanic gifts shut off for the past 15 years - when I was 19, because people couldn't cope with what was happening to me, and throughout the next 2 years, I lost a lot of friends and family to the power and the gifts blooming inside me, ending in an attack that resulted in the birth of my son. I lost three families and was kicked out of three covens, two of which I started, due to my own gifts being just... too overwhelming to people. Too frighteningly accurate and too unreal. When someone says lighting will strike and it does... it tends to make people rethink whether or not they want to be your friend. When they can tell you what they see in your head, and tell you what you're going to do two weeks before you do it... it tends to remove all sense of privacy from your life... So I lost... and I made a Choice....

Bad decision on my part and I've suffered the physical price of that Choice for a long time.

Blaze helped me change that Choice, and this past Saturday, in a very strong group of Shamans, I began to bloom again... and because they ARE shamans, nothing I was doing frightened them, or made them feel at all uncomfortable. When I had my hands on someone's head during a healing and knew exactly what was happening to them, got actual visuals of what they were experiencing, everyone was fine with it. In fact, others began to ask me what I saw when I had my hands on their own heads. When I saw their animal spirits, they were excited as I explained how this affected their personalities and their romantic lives, and weren't at all frightened by my accuracy in reading them or their needs. When I saw the past of one woman, and helped with an exorcism and knew exactly what was happening and how it needed to happen, no one acted like it was at all strange, they simply went with it. And the whole time, I was whole in my Knowing.

Blaze has given me back my SELF.

When it was my turn for Healing, and they helped me release the burdens I've been carrying that belong to so many other people, and my Whole Self began to speak, that was the only time they were surprised. Eventually I'm going to have to explain why it seemed like I was being ridden by something that refused to give a Name. lol

This is what Blaze has done for me.

Also.... there is a system moving in right now. You all know how poorly I do with storms. You know that sometimes for several days before a storm comes, I begin to experience migraines, and that until the storm is at its height, I am in agony. Right now, I feel almost nothing. My pain is so mild I'm hesitant to even list it as even a 1 - and I didn't even notice that a system was moving in. It just got cloudy yesterday evening and I looked out my window and was surprised.

Also... Sunday I walked into an elevator for the first time, and wasn't afraid it would fall. Turns out that one of the things the shamans helped me to release was someone's past life trauma (which had become a phobia) of falling to death in one of those pre-1904 death traps.

Without Blaze, NONE of this would have been possible. Without his patience and his willingness to listen to both my subconscious and my conscious, and to work with my whole self, and without his AMAZING skill and pulling me back together the way that I really needed and hadn't been able to figure out how to do for myself...

I wouldn't have this amazing journey to share with you.

I won't deny, there have been some serious emotional upheavals as a result of this working - shamanic work and such heavy healing is NOT for the faint of heart, and I have a lot going on besides what I'm talking about here. But what Blaze has done has made what I'm going through so much easier that the trauma I've been reliving is healing faster as a result. That does also mean I'm facing more of it faster as a result, which is a pain... but it was my choice.

What he offers is beyond price. It's beyond treasure. I am a practitioner, which means that when I'm deep in trance I get to fiddle a bit with what he's offering, which is fun... I'm used to being hypnotized - most practitioners hypnotize themselves on a regular basis.

If you're not a practitioner, however, Blaze offers a way towards opening yourself up to new horizons, and not just like a regular hypnotist on the street. This isn't like on TV where they make you quack like a duck for the amusement of the crowds. Blaze brings out the best of your senses, and while there will be homework (all the best practitioners give you homework, you know), when he's done with you, and you're done with you, you will be more aware of yourself, and your spiritual and psychic life, than you ever were before.

You will blossom. You will grow.

Don't say no. Scrape up those pennies, me buckos. He's worth it.


Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:29 am

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